Alpha Montessori, at Rasor Blvd, was my daughter's second home. She loved every moment of
her 2 year's stay there till she graduated as a pre-kindergartner. All the teachers are very good and they
know what they are doing. They are thorough with the Montessori curriculum and ensure that the child
is developing, progressing in her studies as well as developing as a person too. They inculcate good
values right from early childhood. They have frequent connect with parents and very well explain about
your child's interests, strengths and what she needs. We are very happy that our daughter was with the experts and we have seen very positive changes in her in terms of speaking confidently, identifying her interests herself and working on them. Now she
goes to the public school and still remembers everything she learnt at Alpha and uses it at her school.
She has definitely got a very good foundation.
Thanks Alpha Montessori and all the teachers!!